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OMAG is proud to offer Online Training to our members. This is a Value Added Service to help our members cope with limited training budgets. OMAG ONLINE courses are offered FREE to all OMAG members.
OMAG has partnered with LocalGovU Online Training which provides self-paced online courses written specifically for local government. Courses are available anytime and from any computer with internet access 24/7. Courses cover eight major topics:
- Customer Service
- Dispatcher / 9-1-1 Tele-Communicator
- Firefighting
- Grant Writing Assistance
- Health & Wellness
- Law Enforcement, Jail and Corrections
- Management / HR
- Safety & Environmental
All Law Enforcement courses are approved for CLEET credits, including several courses for mental health credits.
How to Access the Training
Access has already been granted for existing members and account holders. To start taking courses, click the ‘Sign In’ link below to log into your existing user account.
Need to Register?
If you do not have an account already established for yourself or your city or town, please click here to request access to the training platform. Requests for training access will be granted once your account has been verified, usually within 24 to 48 hours. A LocalGovU Customer Success representative will reach out to connect once your account has been verified.
LocalGovU will also assist you in adding additional personnel to this account, and courses will be made available to all users listed. Account administrators will have access to run reports, create assignments and more!
For assistance with password resets or related-requests, please call 844-312-9500 or email us at OMAG@localgovu.com. For more detailed requests, please contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager, Ren Heitman, at 469-553-0667.