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Human Resources

Course Name Course Description Hours
Bullying in the Workplace While most people are aware of the concept of school bullies, fewer recognize bullying as a problem in the workplace. In fact, over one third of the American workforce has experienced bullying at some point in their careers. The legal safeguards that have been created to protect employees from issues like sexual harassment have yet to impact the problem of bullies at work. In this course, the learner will gain understanding of what constitutes workplace bullying and measures a victim can take to confront the bully. 0.5
Dealing with Angry Employees This one-hour course will better inform you about anger and how to prevent an incident from getting out of hand in order to create a comfortable working environment for both yourself and your employees. 1
Dealing with the Media This course focuses on the ways to get your agency’s message out, including the personal pitch, press releases and press conferences. It also discusses how the media works, the different components of news and how to follow-up with story pitches. This course also includes information on responding to crises and emergencies, how to have a successful interview and how to control your message. 0.5
Developing Leadership Talent Leaders are at every level of an organization. Developing the necessary leadership skills is essential to the organizations success. This course will present leadership development planning, characteristics, styles, and opportunities to develop the learner’s leadership talent. 1
Disciplinary Action and Procedures for Local Government This course will educate managers on the importance of rules and discipline in the workplace and will help them identify steps in the progressive disciplinary process. 0.5
Discipline and Termination This one-hour course will discuss a generalized discipline and termination process that should be closely followed to prevent any legal action against you and/or the organization. 1
Diversity in the Workplace How do you build strong networks within your company and among industry peers? How do you communicate effectively with different types of people in the workplace and get your point across clearly? This series will help you build bridges and improve your business relationships. 0.5
Drug and Alcohol Awareness This course will help managers understand how drugs and alcohol can impact your organization as well as help them recognize signs of drug or alcohol abuse within the organization. 0.5
Ethical Behavior for Elected Officials This course will provide learners with an understanding of basic ethical standards found in most communities, how to make decisions when issues aren’t black or white as well as what the consequences of even a perception of a breach of ethics can be. 0.5
Ethical Behavior for Local Government In this course, we will define ethical behavior, provide examples of work situations where a thorough understanding of workplace ethics may be applied, and ways in which you can determine if your decisions and behavior are meeting the appropriate standards. 0.5
FMLA Training for Supervisors The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed in 1993 and revised January 16, 2009 and March 8, 2013 with some provisions effective back to February 5, 2012. Of all federal employment laws, FMLA is one of the most popular and beneficial to employees. Employees are aware of the basic requirements of the law, but they may not realize the law provides employers with various options on how to administer FMLA. It is essential for all supervisors, in addition to the HR staff, to understand how to comply with FMLA and with the employer’s own FMLA policy. This one-hour course will educate supervisors on FMLA in order to give employees the full and correct benefit of the law. 1
Form I-9 and Employment Eligibility Verification With increased scrutiny on U.S. employers, it is critical that businesses are aware of their responsibilities under the law. The crucial information provided in this course will give you the knowledge and know-how needed to ensure your documentation is filled out appropriately, your records are kept correctly, and your organization is legally compliant. 0.5
Handling Angry Employees In this course, the learner will gain understanding regarding the importance of communication in dealing with employee anger, acquire knowledge regarding productive methods for dealing with employee anger, and finally learn to recognize the behavioral indicators preceding episodes of anger. 0.5
HR Recruitment and Selection Process When an organization determines the need for additional labor, employers have a number of choices to make. This may be the first step in a full-scale recruitment and selection process but sometimes hiring additional employees is not the best method to obtain additional labor. Since the costs of recruitment and selection can be staggering, hiring new employees should occur only after careful consideration. This one-hour course will better inform you about how to implement a successful recruitment and selection process. 1
Investigating Incidents for Local Government This course will help employees recognize the importance of incident investigations and the roles that employees play in the process, as well as help them identify the types of information collected during an investigation. 0.5
Managing your Healthcare This course will raise your level of awareness and provide you an overview of the options you have to choose from. 0.5
Meeting the Needs of People with Disabilities In this 30 minute course, the learner will gain knowledge of what types of disabilities are out there and tips for communicating with individuals with specific disabilities. 0.5
Parliamentary Procedures This course will cover the basics of parliamentary procedure, including types of motions, the hierarchy of motions, how to deliver different kinds of speeches, differentiating the various orders of business, guidelines of a well-organized meeting and different ways of voting. 0.5
Recruiting Excellent Employees This course covers common formal recruiting practices, factors that lead to recruiting excellence, and creative recruiting methods and sources. 0.5
Retaining Talent One of the most critical issues facing organizations today is how to retain their employees.. Yet nearly one quarter of all U.S. workers quit their jobs in 2006, and in some industries the turnover rate is considerably higher. This one-hour course will educate employers on how to retain talent in their organization. 1
Sexual Harassment Awareness AB 1825 This two-hour course will better inform you about sexual harassment and how to prevent it in order to create a safe and comfortable working environment for both yourself and your co-workers, and satisfies that mandatory training requirement for California AB 1825 / AB 2053. 2
Sexual Harassment Awareness for Managers In this course, the learner will gain knowledge and understanding about what types of behavior can be considered harassment, as well as the remedies that exist for employees who feel like they’ve been a victim of harassment. 2
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace This 1 hour course will train you in how to identify, report, and eliminate harassment from the workplace. 1
Sexual Harassment Training for Management In this course, the learner will gain knowledge and understanding about what types of behavior can be considered harassment, as well as the remedies that exist for employees who feel like they’ve been a victim of harassment. 0.5
The Aging Workforce: Leveraging the Talents of Mature Employees Mature workers—generally defined as workers over age 55—have experience and skills honed during decades of employment. Retaining talented mature workers—and recruiting new ones—is simply good business for most organizations. 1
Training for Small Communities In this course, the learner will learn to identify the methods of training that work best for small communities, recognize the obstacles to overcome in providing training for small communities and finally, understand the criteria for evaluating training needs. 2
Understanding the Family & Medical Leave Act In this course, the learner will gain understanding of the act’s basic provisions as well as the final rules issued by the Department of Labor that went into effect in January, 2009. 0.5
Violence in the Workplace No workplace is immune from the possibility of violence, and yet many take no proactive measures to prevent it and protect their employees until after an incident occurs. In this course, we address steps employers can take to minimize their risks and signs and indicators that employees can learn which will help them from becoming victims. 0.5
Worker’s Compensation: Sprain and Strain Injury Prevention This one-hour course is designed to educate learners about Workers Compensation, the state-mandated program that compensates workers for injuries that occur in the workplace. According to a News Release from the U.S Department of Labor agency, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 2.8 million injuries were reported in 2015. With so many workers being injured on the job, it is vital that learners be able to identify the most common injuries received, what causes them, and how they can be prevented for a safer workplace. 1
Workplace Bullying This one-hour course will better inform you about bullying and how to prevent it in order to create a comfortable working environment for both yourself and your co-workers. 1
Workplace Harassment Harassment comes in many forms, but not every unpleasant interaction is harassment. Federal law prohibits workplace harassment that violates an individual’s civil rights. Moreover, your organization can take steps to foster a “harassment-free workplace” to ensure that everyone has a safe and respectful working environment. This course will help you identify what is and isn’t harassment, as well how you can help create a welcoming workplace for everyone. 0.5

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