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Courses > Management and Productivity

Management and Productivity

Course Name Course Description Hours
Basic Telephone Skills This course is designed to ensure all workers understand how to make a positive impression by the way they manage calls and messages. While technology allows for more communication, good communication still depends upon the people handling the conversations. With a few basic communication skills appropriate for today’s workplace, any one in an organization can handle telephone calls professionally and effectively. This course is appropriate for all workers in organizations, agencies, businesses, and local government. No matter who answers the phone, the impression they make can be a positive one that reflects well upon the whole organization. 0.5
Business Continuity This course will teach employees how to make business documents more interesting, informative and easier to understand. 1
Business Writing Basics This course focuses on the ways to get your agency’s message out, including the personal pitch, press releases and press conferences. It also discusses how the media works, the different components of news and how to follow-up with story pitches. This course also includes information on responding to crises and emergencies, how to have a successful interview and how to control your message. 0.5
Coaching with Character Youth sports can be a rewarding experience for both young athletes and coaches. The coaches who have the most lasting influence are the ones who build their team around character traits like hard work and discipline, self-sacrifice and teamwork. In this course, the learner will gain understanding on the principles involved in building a team where the emphasis is on character development and having fun, as well as winning. 0.5
Crisis Management This course is designed to help all departments, organizations and agencies within the public sector prepare for just such an event. 0.5
Effective Presentation Basics In this course, you are going to learn what constitutes a presentation in a business setting. In addition, you will learn some common dos and don’ts, as well as some of the technology you can utilize in order to help deliver your presentation more effectively. 0.5
Emergency Preparation & Egress This course will help your employees recognize how to prepare for and respond to an emergency in the workplace. It will also help them identify the components of an Emergency Action Plan and understand proper exit and assembly procedures. 0.5
Employee Recognition This course outlines the importance of employee appreciation and recognition in an organization and provides suggestions about identifying and implementing cost-effective, high-impact methods and programs. 0.5
Employee Retention This course provides an overview of traditional and modern retention methods, practical tips for open communication with employees, and top reasons why managers and companies fail to retain employees. 0.5
Enhancing Work Relationships This course explains the advantages of building strong relationship in the workplace, the major characteristics of strong working relationships, and techniques for building them. 0.5
Generational Differences Generational differences can influence nearly every facet of your organization, from hiring and recruiting, dealing with change, training, retaining employees, and communication. How can your organization better understand these differences and use these generational differences to move forward instead of backward? 0.5
Goal Setting Skills This course trains employees to understand the importance of goal setting and how to set them effectively. It also helps them recognize barriers to implementing and achieving goals. 0.5
Keeping Your Cool This course defines stress, and addresses common causes of stress in the workplace. More importantly, it helps employees learn techniques to alleviate their stress. Finally, it will help them to understand how workplace stress might affect them and those around them. 0.5
Leadership vs. Management This course will examine the differences between leadership abilities and managerial skills. Additionally, you will learn about the sorts of tasks typically performed by leaders and those tasks typically performed by managers. You will also gain insight into the ways that you can improve your management and leadership abilities. 0.5
Managing Risk in an Aging Workforce Did you know that the American workforce is getting older? Almost one-third of the U.S. population was born between 1945 and 1965, and the oldest members of this group are either retired or preparing to retire. Many organizations often overlook large-scale trends in the American population as potential risk factors. Demographic trends in the workforce, however, can significantly impact your organization’s ability to operate efficiently and effectively. Because long-term planning is often neglected, this course will provide learners with information necessary to identify demographic risks to your operations and will provide possible strategies that can be employed to address these concerns before they negatively impact your organization. 0.5
Meeting Management This course will help managers understand the fundamentals of meeting management and group development. 0.5
Performance Management This course will help your managers understand the importance of performance management, both in annual reviews as well as through an ongoing process. 0.5
Personal Professionalism This course illustrates how accepting personal responsibility for our own actions and everything that happens in our life helps us raise our level of expectations regarding our behavior and our goals. We stop acting like victims and start acting like persons in control of ourselves and our lives. 0.5
Press Conference and Briefing Basics This course focuses not only on when and why to hold a press conference, but the elements involved in planning a successful conference. The event planning element includes determining the optimal time, date and location. Media planning includes how to assemble a media kit, the key to successful talking points and creating an event timeline. This course also includes information on holding a crisis response press conference. 0.5
Providing Effective Orientations OYour employees are your most important asset! Bringing new employees on board with effective orientation greatly increases the likelihood that they will be productive long-term assets to your organization. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression! 0.5
Running an Effective Board Meeting This course will cover the techniques for encouraging participation, resolving conflict and keeping discussion focused. Additionally, you will about the different styles of leadership, diverse personality types around the table and the behind-the-scenes planning essential for conducting a successful meeting. 0.5
Supervisor Skills 101 This one-hour course will educate supervisors and managers on building a basic foundation of vital introductory skills to effectively manage employees. 1
Supervisor Skills 201 This one-hour course will educate supervisors and managers on continuing to build a basic foundation of vital skills to effectively manage employees. 1
The Risks of Social Media What are your legal rights regarding a worker’s use of social media? Does an employee have any privacy rights regarding what they say or post on the internet? What are the courts saying about YOUR right to control what goes through your servers? What should your organization being doing right now — about the risks of social media? 0.5
Time Management Skills This course will teach your employees to recognize the value of their time, to identify the benefits of good time management, how to better manage their time, and to understand procrastination and how to avoid it. 0.5
Transition from Peer to Supervisor This course will help new managers understand the possible reactions of peers to their new position and set the proper tone in handling the changes in relationships that must occur when one moves into a supervisory role. 1
Work Environment Flexibility This course will help employees recognize the characteristics of a flexible work environment, as well as help them identify methods for managing change personally and in the workplace. 0.5

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