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Missouri Peace Officers Association – Partnership

            LocalGovU is proud to announce our strategic partnership with the Missouri Peace Officers Association! MPOA and LocalGovU share similar values in our mission to provide Law Enforcement Professionals with quality training resources that are designed to meet your training goals and keep within your budget. Through this partnership, LocalGovU will continue to provide the same great online training resources, along with the added benefits you can only receive through a membership with the Missouri Peace Officers Association!
            Check out our new and improved training options below that you can only receive through the Missouri Peace Officers Association:

Custom Missouri POST LE & Corrections Training Bundle Deal

            LocalGovU offers 105 Courses approved by Missouri POST for over 55+ Hours of Training. With this bundle, Officers can achieve up to 44 Hours of their required 48 hours for each training period (excluding 4 Hours Skills / Firearms). The bundle is $175 per officer and is available for one year from the date of purchase.

           With the purchase of a training bundle, LocalGovU will pay for the initial MPOA Membership dues ($15 per officer / one membership per each bundle purchased). The following discounts will also be applied for department purchases. Click HERE to create an account and get started today!

Bundle Starting Price  =  $175

1 to 20 Officers  =  $175 per officer (LocalGovU Covers Membership Dues)

21 to 50 Officers  =  10% Discount  –  $157.5 per officer (LocalGovU Covers Membership Dues)

51 to 100 Officers  =  20% Discount  –  $140 per officer (LocalGovU Covers Membership Dues)

100+ Officers  =  30% Discount  –  $122.5 per officer (LocalGovU Covers Membership Dues) 



LocalGovU & MPOA Training Discount

            LocalGovU has agreed to provide a 15% discount for individual courses purchased through MPOA & LocalGovU. Instead of $12 per course / per person, the applied discount will provide individual training courses at $10.20 per course. All additional Volume Purchase Discounts still apply per the Discount Schedule below. Additional discounts are not applicable to training bundle mentioned above. Click HERE to create an account and get started today!

Discount Pricing

Dollar Volume Price


Per course / Discount

$0 – $2,999


$10.20 or 15%

$3,000 – $3999

$9.60  or 20% 

$4,000 – $4999


$9.00  or 25% 

$5,000 – $5,999


$8.40  or 30%

$6,000 – $7499


$7.20  or 40%

$7,500 +


$6.00  or 50%


EXAMPLEA department orders $7,500 worth of training. A 50% is applied for purchases over $7,499 bringing the total cost for the department down to $3,750. This pricing structure allows you to maximize the amount of training you can offer to your staff without breaking the bank!



Additional Benefits

LocalGovU has agreed to give access of up to Two (2) Free Courses or a $24 value at no cost to individual user or department accounts. There is no obligation for users or departments to make any additional purchase. These courses will be available upon request via email or through our Customer Support line. Click HERE to create an account and get started today!


Contact Us

Give us a call with any additional questions you may have! Our representative are eager to assist you in getting started Today! 

Toll Free: (866)845-8887


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